Scrum and Kanban
I provide Scrum Master support for scaled environments and single teams. As a certified Professional Scrum Master II™ my solutions comply to the newest Scrum Guide and follow the bottom-up approach.
My certification in Professional Scrum with Kanban I™ proofs that I can help teams to merge Scrum with Kanban to optimize their flow.
To be a Scrum Master signifies to be a team player which works with the developers and the Product Owner as equals to accomplish the goal of continuous team and product improvement.
Part of my role is the establishing of Scrum events like Sprint Planing, Dailies, Reviews and Retros to set the framework for the continuous improvement. I also support the Product Owner to take care of the Scrum Artifacts.
I adapt process and structural changes with a high focus on the needs of the stakeholders, the customers and the team.
Next to the known Scrum Events and Artifacts I have a wide tool set to make the Scrum process more efficient.
I help teams to define, to improve and to hold to the Definition of Ready and the Definition of Done.
My goal is to make my self as needless for the team and the stakeholders as possible.
Agile Coaching
I support stakeholders and Scrum team members in the agile transformation and the continual improvement process. Therefore I offer coaching, workshops, seminars and consultation to help you to self organize and to develop methods to become better.
Coaching means for me to work together with the client on one level. I don’t know beforehand what’s the best solution for the coached person or group. By the use of methods like active listening, re-framing, defining SMART goals or the introduction of “Objectives and Key Results” I facilitate the solution finding process.
Business Mediation
As a certified and experienced mediator I use my knowledge to mediate the conflicts of groups and individuals.
This includes conflicts between team members, between teams, between Product Owners and Stakeholders, but also conflicts with external Stakeholders or business partners.
I fully comply to the Harvard Concept of Negotiation and try to create a win-win-situation for all involved parties.
In my opinion every conflict is a chance.
Agile Transformation
Due to my certifications and experiences as IPMA® Level D Certified Project Management Associate and Professional Scrum Master II™ I know how to implement agile methods in the classical project management frame.
Out of this reasons it’s pretty easy for me to help companies with the agile transformation process, which are oriented on the classical project frame.
I can explain the benefits and disadvantages of classical and agile project management and for this reason I can help you to understand what’s the best method for your project.
An important part of the Agile Transformation Journey is the implementation of an agile company culture and mindset and bottom up decision making structures. I accompany stakeholders and employers on their way and facilitate this process. My certification in Professional Agile Leadership™ is another proof of knowledge in this field.
Scaled Agile
I’m a Certified SAFe® 5 Release Train Engineer and I’m certified in Scaled Professional Scrum™ . Therefore I provide coaching, management and consulting services concerning the implementation of scaled and lean agile solutions.
My experiences and my certifications in the field of the Nexus framework help me to support multiple teams in scaled Scrum environments and to help the whole organisation to continuous improve and to deliver valuable products. I accomplish this by the use of Scaled Scrum Events like Nexus Refinements, Nexus Dailies, Nexus Sprint Reviews and Nexus Retros.
I provide my services as Certified SAFe® 5 Release Train Engineer. As a Coach and Scrum Master for an Agile Release Train I work closely together with the Product Manager and the System Architect. Besides this I’m a servant leader for Scrum Masters and help the ART to continuous improve and produce valuable increments. Therefore I implement the Scaled Agile Framework and all ceremonies and estimation methods which are needed. This includes among others Scrum of Scrums, Inspect and Adapt Ceremonies and WSJF estimations.
In some of my projects I worked with the Spotify Model. I’m keen to implement Tribes, Squads and Chapters to help your organisation to improve and to produce valuable products.
Besides my experience with the Nexus Framework, SAFe and Spotify I’m experienced with other methods to make Scaled Scrum successful. This includes Communities of Practice, Communities of Interest, Initiatives, but also concepts like Lean-Coffee or Scrum of Scrum.
I’m also open to work in a Large Scale Scrum Framework (LeSS) to implement agility to orchestra multiple teams.
Continuous Improvement
Consultation concerning the Integration of an Continuous Integration or Continuous Delivery Pipeline and the needed build server is an integral part of my work as well.
I offer training concerning the implementation of automatized testing approaches like Scenario, Functional or Unit Testing.
Implementing Extreme Programming approaches like pair-programming and code-reviews, or Test Driven Development is a must have for quality assurance and to raise the bus factor of the project.
Besides this I see it as a fundamental part of my work to coach your organisation in how to implement the KAIZEN philosophy to your culture.
Psychological Coaching
A fundamental idea of agility is to have iterative success and to don’t burn colleagues on the short term. High peeks and pressure moments can exist in projects but they shouldn’t be the standard.
My education as hypnotherapist and mediator gives me a tool set to help Stakeholders, Managers, Developers, Scrum Masters and others. I mediate between them to protect the individual and the project success. Next to this I offer coaching to prevent stressful situations or to find strategies how to deal with them.
Development and Operations
Development and Operations, short DevOps, combines software development and IT operations. The aim of DevOps is to shorten the systems development life cycle by providing continuous delivery with a high software quality.
Guiding teams concerning the coding, building, testing, packaging, releasing, configuring and monitoring of software can be a part of my coaching services.
To optimize the DevOps chain I implement tools like the DORA Metrics, containers, build servers, versioning systems, servers, automatized tests and Extreme Programming approaches like Pair-Programming.
Workshops and Team Building
The setup and developing of high performance agile teams I support by holding workshops and seminars about agile methods like Kanban and Scrum. I choose the best methods from my method toolbox to make seminars interesting, interactive and sustainable.
I also support the agile journey and the social grows of teams by organizing team building workshops. My wide range of professions allows me to create team building experiences which team members will not forget.